Barrack Hussein Obama-
How will he effect Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)?
Time will tell- but I would anticipate a change in our industry because there aren't really any "Big Dogs" (Huge Companies) out there in our industry; so we'll have to shoulder the load that will come crashing down on small business & small companies that are trying to grow.
What we need to figure out is "how can we play a part in the 'energy challenges' & not get crushed by big government"?
HVAC is a huge energy waster in commercial & residential buildings. It affects our health and comfort as well as our pocket book. What will the new administration ask of us? what will they want from us? what will they take from us?
Does America not realize that one of the solution rises in the East every day and we need healthy small companies to implement those solutions?
The fear is that bigger government will impose the philosophy of "we know what is best for you & your company". This will leave us struggling to provide affordable & effective solutions to the US homeowners & commercial building operators who are currently, (and usually unknowingly) wasting tremendous amounts of energy.
I'm willing to work hard to make my way for my business & my family; however, I can only carry the 6 or 7 employees and their families that help accomplish the work we do each week. who will provide the clean air "handout" that bigger government will require?
Time will tell- lets think on this one & re-visit this issue when the government expansion starts.