Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Duct Leakage- $1500 Rebate in Florida

Hey Floridians,
There is Fresh Free money available for testing & fixing duct leakage in your home when you change out your air conditioning system (equipment).

$1500 for you if you get the leakage down below 15 % total. If it's already there, you get the rebate too. No repairs required

Our beloved Governor, who is fighting for his political life, has great timing!!

The drawback is that there is only $15M (million dollars) that means only 10,000 people will get the rebate when they change their equipment & seal their ducts.

Great Job Charlie! Dollars into the economy, Energy savings for the homeowners of Florida, & less usage of electrons through the grid!!
Get it tested; Get it sealed

There are a limited amount of funds, so get on the phone TODAY!
Call Gulf Coast Air Care in the Panhandle (850) 934-2768 or http://www.gulfcoastaircare.com/

Friday, August 20, 2010

The Pensacola Home & Products Expo 2010
(at the Pensacola Civic Center Aug 20-22 Fri, Sat, Sun)

This is my favorite show of the year because we get to meet people face-to-face and talk about their indoor environmental issues. You know, what make them uncomfortable, what makes them sick, what makes them unhappy with their home or A/C system.

Many people are fearful of "Being Sold" when they come to a trade show like ours.
What really happens is the consumer gets to see "first hand" the quality , values, & ethics of a company. The people who staff the booth is a direct reflection of what the core values are in their company.
Are they enjoying what they do?
Do they promote integrity within the business environment?
Do they give back to the community where they live & work?
This is an opportunity to view the "soul" of a company & I would think that most people would want to know this stuff before hiring some guys to come to the house & dive into a project.
We all know "home projects" are often times large projects that require a professional contractor; they frequently run into complications & complexities that put them over budget and frustrate homeowners as well as contractors
So my advice is learn who the contractors are, ask for referrals & pick the best.
The Best or Easiest way to learn is to visit them when they have their "Wares on Display" & they are "bearing their soul"
Just please don't walk down the center-line of the aisle!!!!!!!!
We just want to know about your concerns-REALLY

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Hey, I read all this stuff about how important Air Duct Cleaning is to the Indoor Environment

Well my opinion is this~ its only important if its done correctly!

This $69-$89 blow & go special that is taking the country by storm~ this is not the kind of work that is going to give you happy results.

If you have a dust issue or a family member with Allergies or Asthma you don't want to take a chance with somebody's health or well being. Lets spend a little time getting the facts & get it right the first time.

Lets face it, you can't get much in terms of service work for $89. That's for any tradesman to come to your home for any repair.

I run a company & I can't get 2 service guys (duct cleaning is a 2-man job) out of the shop for that money; not to mention the quality of the work your are going to get for this price.

Now if we consider this as a platform for "bait and switch" operations then we are talking about the real truth regarding this pricing structure. These Blow N Go companies talk about "upselling to the customer" as a way to relieve the "ethics or code of conduct " obligation that they have as the result of being in the marketplace.

The only thing that will save a consumer from being ripped off is to do a little research and get some education regarding duct cleaning.

There are plenty of resources out there~ the BBB is a good place to start for local service company info & then you can review the info regarding Inspecting & Cleaning A/C systems from the national association ~ NADCA ~the Association for Inspection, Maintenance & Restoration of HVAC systems; their web site is www.NADCA.com/education

Let me just close by saying this "BUYER BEWARE". If you find a deal that sounds "too good to be true" do some checking, ask around, and don't buy into the junk science & scare tactics that some kid on commission is telling you.

Learn or get burned.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Can the Oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico affect Indoor Air Quality?

We have been asked this question with increasing frequency over the last few weeks.

There are a myriad of answers to the question~ Yes, No, Probably not, Could be a problem.

This depends on where the building is in relation to the Oil

Homes on the Beach ? ~Yes, but not in all cases~ Ten miles from the shore ?~No~ A house somewhere in-between?~ Probably not.

The source of the problem is the odor coming from the tar-balls or large mats of oil that are beginning to assault more & more of our shoreline. This associated VOC or Volatile Organic Compound is what comes from the oil. A VOC is just a fancy way of saying "man-made Odor or Fume"; for instance- Think gasoline or paint fumes and glue or adhesive vapors.

To me, it smells like hot tar or paving materials; its worse when the wind is just right or the tar is exposed to the sunlight. (these are the conditions where I've smelled it, but it varies )

So the $64,000 question is ~ can this be harmful? Yes, oil vapors or fumes are not healthy room-mates! How'd you like to share the bathroom with a VOC ? Well, in some cases we already do~ that's why we all have bathfans!

NEXT QUESTION: Well how bad could it be? This depends on how leaky the building is & the driving force behind the vapors (wind). And also how close you are to the oil source.

The pathway indoors is Gaps, Cracks, & Holes in the building envelope (the outer perimeter)

~so eliminate the Pathways and we're good, Right?

No, the Building needs to breathe~ You can't live in a bubble.

So, the strategy would be some sort of treatment of the indoor air and minimizing or reducing the pathways for these nasty vapors & fumes where they get in in the first place

This IAQ/Oil issue is not too big of a problem, if you put it into perspective. We caulk our windows, weatherstrip our doors and use "activated charcoal" on fumes inside the building~

Wow, I'm starting to see a potential for saving energy here!!

If it makes sense for any of you to have a conversation about all this- just contact me at the following email todd@gulfcoastaircare.com

Monday, May 10, 2010

Cash for Caulkers
This is another government give-away, however, this may have an effect.
What will it effect? OH, how about awareness; of your own energy consumption and how much that costs you as an individual.
I, for one, prescribe to the theory that 'we the people' should not spend more than is going to be in our check book at any given time, but in this case if enough people become aware of their personal energy consumption & the "cost" of all this energy~ dollar cost, national security cost, environmental cost (you choose your own issue) Then, HEY, we might make a little head way.
What would be the impact of 10 million homes saving $50 bucks a month on our collective utility/power bill? $500,000,000 ($500 Million) do you know how many Btu's or Kwh that is?
All we're talking about is "Gaps, Cracks, & Holes" in the building that allow the outdoor weather to come indoors ( be it ~ hot or cold, wherever you live, Winter or Summer) this could have an impact .
Uncle Sam will be giving you Cash to fix the leaks & save the energy. Some say its a giveaway & another trade off for votes~ Hey I'd be a supporter too is Uncle Sam gave me a new Air Conditioner & a weatherization "make-over" on my house.
Unfortunately, I work~ I earn too much to qualify for the existing Weatherization program. But the program is not without merit; it may get some of the homeowners in this country going in the right direction.
Conserve Energy ~ USE LESS ~how simple is that? get help to figure out locations of the Gaps, Cracks & Holes & plug them up. "No water in" makes the house last a-lot longer & it will cost less to operate that very house.
I guess my question is "Do we need Uncle Sam to bribe us into doing this with another Billion dollar program (billions with a "B") that leads to more Deficit spending?"
This is a tough one~ we do need something~ no doubt. The Department of Energy (DOE) was created back in the 1970's to get this country less dependent on Foreign oil & now this is what they have to offer~ well that's a-lot of taxpayer money spent & no reduction to the import problem.
How 'bout some oversight to the oil spewing into the Gulf of Mexico currently or the "Focus" turned to the 100 year Natural Gas reserves in this country
(isn't that a cleaner fuel? actually ~ YES it is!)
Maybe we should be happy with Our Bloated Government & All the legislators who spend money "like a drunken sailor" if they 'll just credit our tax bill with the cost of caulk, weather-stripping and a few cans of spray foam.

post your opinion~ Please ~ I need to know if anyone else is paying attention.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Weatherization - for Summer?

Weatherization- you think of winter- but here on the Gulf Coast we don't have a rough Winter-
We need to weatherize for Summer
Hot weather is coming & we need to think about all those Gaps, Cracks & Holes before it gets too hot & all that humidity comes pouring in again.
There is a test to see how bad your home leaks and your duct work too!!
The "blower door test" is done with a small negative pressure to identify the problem.
simple, painless & inexpensive. When you have test results you have knowledge!
Knowledge is power!
for more info go to- www.gulfcoastaircare.com

Monday, January 25, 2010

4 Things You Need to Know if You Own a Home with Central Air Conditioning

1) Annual inspections are a must! This includes a seasonal performance check & an inspection for cleanliness.  Mold can grow really fast if left unchecked for a season or two.  Gone are the days of "if it ain't broke, don't fix it"~ You need to have a service tech looking at your equipment for anything that could cause a break down.  Lets try this Trite phrase " An Ounce of Prevention, or a Pound of Cure";  how about "you can pay me now, or you can pay me later."

2) The duct work is as important as the A/C equipment.  When you operate the newer high efficency equipment of the modern day, you need to have a duct system that is sealed to less that 5 % leakage of the overall airflow.  A recent Department of Energy study shows many typical duct systems leak 25-40% of their airflow & cooling capacity.  If your system is sealed to 5% or better you will be very happy, comfortable and financially secure with your A/C purchase.  Not only does this save money on the Utility bill,  it makes the home more comfortable by reducing humidity and causing less wear & tear on the equipment due to reduced run requirements.

3) Duct Leak Testing is common & affordable. Negative pressure testing on the duct system will tell you  where you are losing comfort & energy. Check into it near your home location. It ranges from $100 to $500 depending on the scope of the testing~ get 'em to check the house leakage while they're at it!  Alot of companies will include the testing if you are considering changing out the equipment.  Don't use a contractor that can't perform duct leakage testing.  If they don't offer the test,  Find a company that does ~ it shows that they are "up to snuff" on current trends in Home Comfort & Energy Efficency.  The A/C equipment you are buying will last at least 15 years and if your ducts leak, you will continue to have high utility bills, equipment problems,  & IAQ issues for the next decade and a half.  Not to mention the cost of future energy!!    It's 2010 people, Consumers Should Demand Excellence from A/C Contractors!

4)When it's time for Air ~ "Be Prepared" ~ Schedule early & commit to a service agreement and as part of your commitment ask these things of your service provider:  "Do I have priority service if I have a break down?" "Do I get a discount on required parts or Labor?"  "What can I do myself to ensure I won't need you between service intervals?" ( Examples: filter, drainline, Thermostat operation, Ect. Ect.)

For other great tips on HVAC Inspection, Maintenance, and Restoration go to http://www.gulfcoastaircare.com/