There is a fall Allergy season here in the South, so we may need to ventilate & filter the air that is coming in thru the open windows.
But as we look back at surviving another steamy Summer, We also must consider all the hard use on our HVAC systems... Its like taking a 10,000 mile summer road trip... you know when you get back its time to change the oil.
Same thing with the Air Conditioner , all that run time, all that air flow, all that dust & in many cases Mold ... Not to mention all the energy we used getting thru the hottest part of the Summer
Now is the time for a "tune up", an "Oil Change" if you will...
What I'm saying is "the worst is behind us"; get an inspection to see the Condition that the conditioner is in! Sounds like the lyrics to an old song...
The contractors are all running at a slower pace & its a perfect time to get an inspection on your equipment and duct work to see the state of "Indoor Air Quality Affairs".
This time is good because we're all fat with summer profits & we will typically charge a little less or spend a little more time & give it a closer look ... now that we all don't have a huge list of people to run to all day long.
Not that guys take shortcuts in Summer, Don't misunderstand me here, but the time for PREVENTATIVE maintenance is when the pace of business is slower.
Now is the time for any of that attic work that might have cost you a premium in the height of Summer; and think of all the money you'll save next year. Electricity is not getting any cheaper & now is the time for attic work. Don't wait till you get another $600 monthly power bill to call for help and remember nobody wants to work in your attic when it 130 degrees up there.
The next question we always get is "What do they need to look at"?
Duct Leakage is the biggest factor in High Power Bills, Excessive Dust & COMFORT
You will know if the A/C unit is running because you can turn it on & hear it... and also feel the air-flow in most cases.
The best way to go is to TEST for Duct Leakage...
You should see tools & gadgets like this for measuring air low & leakage

If they just do a quick look in you attic & call it good you are missing the point & probably getting taken to the proverbial "CLEANERS"
If you dont want that to happen Call the BBB to Check on a companies' reputation & track record.
also check with the people at The association for Inspection Cleaning & Restoration of HVAC systems
For help in NorthWest Florida Call us at Gulf Coast Air Care
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