Friday, April 22, 2011

Carbon-Monoxide: Monitor vs. Alarm ~ Life or Death ~

The only thing in the IAQ business that can be "urgent/fatal" is carbon monoxide. This means we should have a conversation about how to avoid Carbon Monoxide (CO) in our homes. Any fuel burning appliance that is malfunctioning or improperly installed can be a source of CO. These can include a gas range/stove, furnaces, gas clothes dryer, water heater, gas or wood fireplaces, wood-burning stove and the auto exhaust from an attached garage. Initial symptoms are similar to the flu with no fever. Dizziness, fatigue/weakness, throbbing headache, nausea, vomiting, irregular breathing, sleepiness and confusion can all be possible symptoms. Low Level Carbon monoxide exposure can easily be mis-diagnosed unless you have a Low Level CO monitor or medical personnel can get a blood sample in time to see elevated CO in the blood stream; it changes rapidly when you are removed from the CO source area. Do you have a measure of safety or protection for your family? There are 2 options – an inexpensive CO alarm which has up to 4 full hours to give a signal or alert after dangerous levels have been exceeded in the home or a low level CO monitor that will start to alert you at the onset of carbon monoxide exposure. A low level CO monitor can give alerts when the level reaches a concern like 20 parts per million(ppm); a CO Alarm must reach 70 PPM for 4 hours before it’s required to go off and if the indoor space get ventilated after 3 hours, it starts the count down all over again! Yikes! You may never get any indication about the most serious or dangerous condition that can exist inside your home, And get this, most Fire Dept’s will not allow a fire fighter to enter a building if CO levels are above 35 ppm. Your cheap CO alarm will allow those levels without you ever knowing. Stats from the AMA (American Medical Association) show approximately 2,100 people die each year from CO poisoning or exposure. Often called “The Silent Killer”, CO is a tasteless, colorless & odorless poison. If you would like a FREE report or more information about Carbon Monoxide, CO alarms & Low Level Monitors Please call us today. If you have small children or elderly folks in the home and you aren’t sure, don’t take a chance.
Call your HVAC company for a Test or Inspection. Today!

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