Thursday, April 7, 2011

Wow, April already~ I want to comment about the Federal Energy Tax Credit for 2011. Why on Earth would our governmental leadership change what they offered last year? In 2010 (and 2009) we had a 30% tax credit incentive if you spent money to make your home more energy efficient. This year (2011) we have a 5% offering~ how Trivial!! I thought we were trying to simulate the economy & create jobs~ This is a blunder of the biggest magnitude. When the incentive was juicy, people considered spending the money, contractors were working to weatherize homes, change HVAC systems, add insulation, and help the national energy dependency on foreign oil; not to mention the relief on our power grid which is stretched pretty thin in some markets. According to the Dept of Energy, American buildings consume 45 % of the energy we generate, & much of that is wasted because of poor building construction practices, lack of maintenance and and the overall age of our "building stock" . It only makes sense to renovate our homes & office buildings; an energy retrofit can be an amazing change to the way we live and consume energy. Congress...Please raise the Tax incentive back to meaningful levels.

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